Again, we’re way behind on posts, so you’re gonna spend the next few getting filled in on the happenings of the past month or two… Almost a month ago, Jordin was playing in his room with his cousin Justin when he bounced awkwardly off the bed and smacked his forehead on his bedside table… He laid it open all the way to the bone…
Sitting in the emergency room waiting to see a doctor…
“don’t take pictures of me right now, Daddy Greg!”
After being wrapped up like a burrito for the stitches and yelling
“i wanna get up… I wanna get up… I wanna get up” constantly,
our big boy made it through with five stitches
And by the time he got home, he was super excited about sleeping in his hospital gown
What happened to the Easter story? I went to comment and it was gone. I can't believe Jordin's head. What an exciting night you guys had.