Monday, May 10, 2010

Max is Four months old!!

May 8th 2010 – Max is Four months old!!

Milestones achieved so far this month have been:

Max loves to stand, he will stand all day if you let him. He smiles at us when he sees us coming. He jabbers and oohhs a lot. He can completely hold his head up on his own and sits up with little assistance. He reaches out for anything you put in front of him and if he gets it it goes straight to the mouth.

At his four month check up, he was 15 pds 2.2 oz and was 25 and 3/8 inches long. He was in the 50 percentile for weight and 65 percentile for height. He unfortunately had to have shots again. He was not too thrilled with this. He kept looking at Greg like, "what the heck, dad?" (because he was the one that had to hold him down) We got the go-ahead to introduce rice cereal at 5 months and veggies 2 weeks later. We will definitely let everyone know how that goes.

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1 comment:

  1. I love hte picture of Max in blue at hte bottom right of the blog.
